Adel St John The Baptist

Welcome to Year 4

Year 4 Essential Information

Year 4 Curriculum Map

Year 4 Essential Information - Summer 2

Welcome to the final half term of Year 4! Time seems to have flown, as it always does, but we are sure that Year 4 will soon be ready for their transition into Year 5. We have lots of exciting learning planned for this half term and with events such as Sports Day on the horizon too, it promises to be action-packed. 

During the first week back, our Year 4 children have all completed their Multiplication Tables Check. We do not yet have their scores in school but you will receive these alongside their end of year report in July. We are very proud of the efforts they have made to improve their times table recall, and we are sure that this will help them in many areas of maths.

If you have any questions, please contact us both  on and and one of us will reply as soon as we can.

We'd like to take this opportunity to thank you for your continued support throughout the year. 

Miss Dakin and Mrs Ventress

Reading:  Reading helps children’s learning in a huge number of ways, including improving their vocabulary, developing the quality of their writing and building their comprehension skills. We expect children to read at home at least three times per week. We ask a parent or carer sign it off in the reading record. In Year 4, it is still extremely beneficial for your child to carry out some of their home reading with an adult, either reading aloud, being read to, or a combination of the two. This allows for you to discuss the book with your child too which will help boost their comprehension skills.

Spellings: A new spelling list will continue to be sent home each Friday and should be practised regularly, in short bursts throughout the week. The children will bring home a paper spelling homework sheet each week to complete and return the following Friday. Additional practice may take the form of recalling spellings (perhaps on the way to or from school), looking up and recording their meanings in a dictionary/online, or short dictations with an older sibling or parent e.g. if the word is ‘daughter’, a parent could ask the child to write down, ‘My daughter is called Jenny.’ Always check the punctuation as well as all spellings. The children will also have some opportunities in class to practise. In the Friday test, 7 of the words will be tested as standalone words, and 3 will be tested through a dictated sentence.

Mathletics: This is to be completed every week – there will be 3 new tasks set each week with trickier tasks (those scoring less than 50%) being re-set. Please check if your child needs support with any re-set tasks.

Times Tables Rock Stars: Continuing to use TTRS to practise their skills regularly at home is a very good idea. Just a three minute burst every day should see recall speeds continue to improve. 

PE:  Our PE days have changed for the summer term and will now be Tuesday afternoons and Friday mornings. Appropriate kit (trainers, black trousers/shorts with a white t-shirt and plain black jacket/jumper) must be worn on these days. 


Things to remember:

  • All children should bring a named flask or bottle of water to school. This should be taken home and washed every day.
  • Named pumps must be worn in school. Children should be able to tie laces quickly if they have lace-up pumps/outdoor shoes and pumps should be checked by a parent every half term to ensure they are in good condition to prevent trip hazards.
  • Named, appropriate clothing for the weather should be brought every day – please ensure your child has a coat if rain is forecast or looks likely.
  • As the weather gets warmer - hopefully! - please ensure that your child brings a named sunhat to school with them. Suncream should be applied in the morning before your child comes to school. If your child needs to re-apply suncream at lunchtime, please send them with a named bottle of cream which they are able to apply themselves.
  • School Policy is that, other than for religious reasons, children should not wear jewellery in school apart from a watch (smart watches are not allowed). These need to be removed for PE lessons.

Year 4 Class Blog

Maths Bugs

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

We have been learning about factors in maths this week – we know that factors are numbers multiplied together to make a given number and…I wonder if your child can tell you a word beginning with ‘I’ that all factors also have to be! This afternoon, we even made some creepy, crawly factor bugs for the wall to help us remember what factors are! There were some great bugs - here are some of the most exotic-looking!

Geography Quizzers

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

This afternoon, we had a geography quiz to round off our Italy topic! We had to revise first, and when house points are on offer, there's some serious revision to be done! The quiz brought some tricky questions like, What are the Dolomites? What is the longest river in Italy? And, which city has a leaning tower? But luckily, we got by with a little help from our friends, and there were some high scores! Answers to be revealed on Monday!

Collective Worship Comes to Life!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

This week, Year 4 were selected to act out Mrs Leng's Collective Worship story, the story of Lazarus. They did a super job, acting like that, with no notice and looked the part too!

Cracking Cricketers

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

We had lots of fun on Wednesday in our cricketing PE lesson. It was skillful, fun, fast-paced and energetic. In fact, it was quite hard to get any non-blurry photos - safe to say, we are the champions of the fast-paced bowling this week! I wonder what multi-sports lesson we will be having a go at next week?!

Interfaith Logos

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 4 Class Blog

This week, we have had a big focus on interfaith relations and we have spoken lots about how important it is that we respect others' beliefs and learn about them to help our society to be understanding and accepting of everybody. We had a fantastic day as a school yesterday, which I am sure you will have heard about already, and the children had some lovely thoughts and created logos this afternoon to symbolise the major world religions, whose followers are represented across our city. I'm sure you'll agree, these ones show how tolerant and caring the children in Year 4 are and how much they have enjoyed their learning this week.

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