Adel St John The Baptist

Welcome to Year 3

Year 3 Curriculum Map

Welcome to Year 3!

We hope you all had a wonderful spring break and we hope you all managed to spend some time as a family. We are now into the final term of Year 3- we can't actually believe it! 

This term we are starting our brand new topic on the 'Ancient Greeks' and we loved kick starting our new topic with our Greek Day, as you can see in the blog. Thank you for all your efforts with the children's costumes; they all looked amazing! We will begin by learning about Greek history which will include the different gods and goddesses, what they were famous for as well as touching on the Olympics which will take place in the summer. We also have an exciting trip planned for the June term based on the Greeks! In science, the children will complete their topic on forces before moving onto plants where they will learn about germination and pollination. In art, we will have a focus on three dimension where the children will create their own story through drawing and making. In RE, the children will continue with their learning on Hindus but with a focus on celebrations this time.  Please note that swimming has now finished for this year but the children will still need to come to school dressed in their PE kit on a Wednesday.

An exciting term ahead for us all! 


Teachers in Y3

Staffing this term in Year 3 will stay the same where the teaching week will be covered as follows; Miss Jackson - Monday and Tuesday and Mrs Pape will cover Wednesday- Friday.  We are also supported by Miss McNamara throughout the week and Mrs Starkey will take the children on a Wednesday morning for PE and alternate Thursday afternoons for PSHE and PE. 

We understand communication is vital for sharing information. It is always busy first thing on a morning, as we are preparing the lessons for the day in class. But should you wish to pass on a message an adult at the cloakroom door can pass this on to us. Anything of urgency, or that is confidential, please ask an adult at the door and we will try and meet with you briefly in the cloakroom area. Should you wish to contact us by email, these are our addresses.

It will be useful to add both of us to any emails you send, so we can both be aware of anything needing our attention. We will aim to respond within 2 working days.

Reading in Y3

We make reading a priority in Year 3. We encourage the children to develop a love of books in all genres and themes, with a big focus on reading for pleasure. During the school day children will be reading independently as well as taking part in class guided reading. The children will be able to choose a book from our class bookcase, which they can read in class at quiet reading times. They will also choose a book from the school library to bring home. They will be able to return this book when they have finished it and choose a new one. We appreciate some books are longer and will take more than a week to read. Books will be signed in and out, so we can monitor the regularity of children’s reading.


PE is on Wednesdays and Thursdays where the children will need to come to school dressed in their PE kit with trainers. As we approach the warmer weather (we hope!) please ensure that your child brings a sun hat to school and sun cream is applied before school.  We will be focusing on athletics and netball this term. .  


Spellings will be sent home on Friday for  children to practise at home. The test will take place in school on the following Friday with Mrs Pape.

We also encourage you to read with your child at least 3 times per week. Every child in school will have a reading record, even if they are a free reader. This is a place to record any new words children have learnt, progress you see or titles of other books read at home.

Mathletics online – there will be three activities set on Mathletics that link to our learning that has taken place in the week. Your child can use paper to help them work out answers. Find Mathletics at and use your child’s logging in details to access their account. The beauty of Mathletics is, it shows the teacher how a child did with a particular learning intention but also there is an option for children to do more than just the activities set. Use the help buttons if unsure of an activity.

A national times table test now takes place in Y4, so we will prepare the children for this by testing their fast recall of answers throughout the year. To support your child at home, there are some great activities on the ‘Top Marks’ website. One game in particular, ‘Hit the Button’, requires fast recall of times table answers. Another great website is which does a mock test and has some fun games that make learning times tables fun.

Things to remember:

  • All children should bring a flask or bottle of water to school. This should be taken home and washed every day.
  • In Key Stage 2, children are required to bring their own snack, as it is no longer provided. This should be a piece of fruit to be eaten at playtime. Our school is strictly ‘nut-free’ due to some children having allergies.
  • School Policy is that, other than for religious reasons, we do not wear jewellery in school apart from a watch. We do not wear Fitbits or expensive watches as it is the responsibility of the child to keep them safe. These need to be removed for PE lessons.

We look forward to seeing you all again at celebration events that will take place for the remainder of the year. 

Many thanks,

Miss Jackson and Mrs Pape 


Year 3 Class Blog

Happy New Year!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

Happy New Year and we hope you all had a lovely Christmas break.

It’s been a busy few days in Year 3 but all the children have made an excellent start to 2023. This week we began our new topic on the Stone Age and the children have been buzzing with excitement to find out more after only a taster this week! We are also looking forward to sharing the details of our school trip next term with you all very soon. We know the children can’t wait! 
In Maths this week we have been learning how to multiply and divide by 4 and next week we will be moving on to the 8 x table. In DT we have been exploring how to sew a cross stitch which requires further practice next week for sure! Our aim is to create our own cushion by the end of the term. We look forward to sharing them at the end of our project. 

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Happy Christmas!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

We would like to wish all of our wonderful children and their families a happy Christmas and we hope you all enjoy your family time over the next few weeks. 

Thank you for all of your cards and gifts, you are all so kind. 

See you all in 2023! 

Miss Jackson, Mrs Pape, Mrs Williams and Mrs Starkey

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Pneumatic Toys

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

This week we have been learning about pneumatics in DT and our challenge was to design and create a pneumatic toy for a Year 1 child. The children created some amazing designs, some ambitious which is always good! Yesterday we created the mechanisms  and then decorated our toys. The mechanisms were the most challenging part but it was lovely to see the children supporting one another where needed. We learnt some valuable designing skills and our computing knowledge came in useful on inputs and outputs. We hope you enjoy exploring them at home! 

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Party time!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

Thursday afternoon was Christmas party time! We danced, played games, ate our party food and enjoyed being with our friends. It was lovely to celebrate together. 

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Shadow Investigators!

Peter Dalrymple (PDalrymple) on: Year 3 Class Blog

Today we have been investigating how shadows change when the distance between the light source and the object changes. The children worked really well together as a group, using their measuring and collaboration skills. We found out that the shadow is longer when the light source is closer to the object however,  we did have some inconsistent result which we believe might be down to our measuring skills! 

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